MidnightBSD 3.0.0 released

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MidnightBSD 3.0.0 released

Post by crosscourt »

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Re: MidnightBSD 3.0.0 released

Post by wove »

MidnightBSD is a solid BSD. It is a unique forked off FreeBSD in 2007. It is designed to be for a single user desktop with the XFCE desktop. It uses a modified kernel which de-emphasizes the server side of BSD and emphasizes the desktop aspects.

It enables sudo by default, and has its own ports known as mports. It is somewhat a one man show, so while all the components are solid and reliable, many of the packages are a bit dated. That is mainly applications, it uses the latest version of xfce for the desktop. It also is short on some packages that users might find essential. It has no current office suite available, gimp is included, but Inkscape and Scribus are not available.

Overall it is stable, reliable and a snappy performer. I feel that it is probably best aimed at user familiar with Linux, who are looking to make a change to BSD. Personally I look at MidnightBSD much the same way I look at Debian derivatives. Meaning if you want to build a BSD system, the easiest and most straight forward way to do so it to just pick a mainline BSD (OpenBSD, FreeBSD or NetBSD). They are no more difficult to install and fleshing them out to you liking provides the great benefit of learning the system you will be using.
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