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Re: Members

Post by dai_trying »

I think I see what you mean, I will have to re-think the home-page and content...

Do you think a simple WordPress site with dynamic links to last posts would be useful? I have done a quick search and there are plugins that can sort that out, and also it can create forum posts based on WP content to make them both interactive.
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Re: Members

Post by crosscourt »

Yes Wordpress would be great and make it easy on you as well. You and tlmiller I think could come up with some great unique content based on your interests for the site given your backgrounds. tlmiller also has a hardware background and could do some great articles based on his experiences with Linux.

Its the sort of thing you need to think about and sit down and talk to him as well but for me its a winner. Once you guys set them up Ill do my job in the forums and try to make it interesting as possible.

We've got a lot of time and you can experiment to see what suits you as this is your site and should be what you want. Im just suggesting things that ive done or experienced elsewhere to push some ideas forward.
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Re: Members

Post by tlmiller »

After a few years of being forced to muddle through using wordpress to do sites that are horrendously slow and overly complex to make them look decent despite the limitations of wordpress, I will vote against it. Constant security vulnerabilities even when updated, lousy security model, and awful for doing anything other than the simplest pages easily. It's absolutely the GREATEST at a blog site. If you want a WEBSITE, it's awful IMO.
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Re: Members

Post by crosscourt »

Things have changed and Wordpress has evolved from a blogging platform to a full blown CMS and is very suitable for a website. Many businesses actually prefer Wordpress and its based on PHP and MySQL but its definitely a good choice for this site. Security issues have been an issue in the past and are still occuring today but its improved hugely. Ive been involved with two websites, one I owned and the other was owned by another, but both used Wordpress and speed/performance was excellent. My experience is more general as on both sites I had admins running the site. They both loved using Wordpress, but certainly its not the only choice out there and you and Dai can explore other options considering the two of you will be using it extensively.

Looking down the road right now to see what will work and give us the best results.

Hers one article about Wiordpress but remember the article is from 2016 and Wordpress has improved since then, but worth reading. ... the-bad-2/
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Re: Members

Post by tlmiller »

I manage about 20 websites, all wordpress. I consider it to be the worst invention in the history of the universe for managing websites...
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Re: Members

Post by crosscourt »

Ok we'll agree to disagree as my experience has been excellent but ultimately whats important is that you and Dai are happy with what you use and it does what we want for the site. If you have a suggestion share it with Dai and see what happens. Im assuming if we go ahead that you and Dai will probably be the admins fo the front page so everybody has to be happy. The admins at the many sites Ive been on have always liked working with Wordpress and most of these guys are just like you and work in a variety of tech businesses

Im here for the ride like I said, as Im presently involved running two large tech sites and wont be getting overly involved with the workings of this site.
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Re: Members

Post by crosscourt »

Ive been contacting members on the last two sites I use to run, to see if they might be interested in coming here to post. Lost contact with a few but hoping I can get some of the better posters who would be fun to have here on site. My last two sites were either Linux news or distro review based sites.

Certainly if any of you have similar contacts, please invite them to post.
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Re: Members

Post by crosscourt »

I have no specific news but continue to talk to a group of people who may switch over to our website. Some are old colleagues, some are new to Linux and others are old vets, who use to post at other sites. Ive been going thru all my old contact lists and visiting older forums I use to be on that have become more private chat sites.
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Re: Members

Post by dai_trying »

I have spoken to most of the people I provide support to and the problem is, they do not really want to "get their hands dirty" with the OS, they just want a system that works and I try to keep it that way for them, so it is very unlikely any of them will join, and if they do they will be unlikely to be posting much...
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Re: Members

Post by crosscourt »

Most of the people Im talking to have posted on other sites for years, and are looking for a place to hangout and talk about a variety of topics including Linux and tech. Some were on sites that closed down and they opened their own private chat sites. I havent talked to many of my clients as their motivations are quite different but a few have said they might join.
I also have friends at some large tech sites who Ive queried about not only posting here but eventually becoming staff people here down the road as we grow.
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