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Memorial Day 2024

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 4:27 am
by CaptNoize
Another year has passed, and in retrospect, I reflect on the losses of the past year. Last year, was absolutely devastating for me, personally. I lost my best friend of 46 years. I lost 7 friends I worked with, played in bands with,and socialized with, most of my life.
I just found out, yesterday, that 2 guys I graduated with, died in January and February. These weren't close friends,but, they were friends I hung out with, on and off, for many years.
So, the " body count" is at 10. I understand that as we get older, we loose people. But this is ridiculous. My best friend didn't have any viewing,and was cremated, 2 days after he died. There was no closure... he was just "gone". His girlfriend has his ashes, but, she doesn't know when or if, she will ever, have a memorial. Most of the other friends,opted to have no viewing, or were cremated, so, no closure at any of these.
So, here I am. I've not only lost ALL my family members, I pretty much now, have lost all my friends. :( :( :roll: And don't ANYONE say, " You need to go make new friends " :x
Good Luck with that one..... :roll:
Life sucks... Then you die....
Happy Memorial Day

Re: Memorial Day 2024

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 5:08 pm
by crosscourt
I was on a bus with a large number of people I went to high school with, going to the recruitment center in Richmond as we were drafted for the Vietnam war. Out of that number ,over half didnt make it back. In my case they dropped the draft a week before I was going to go. I had 90 days to get my life in order before I went. A huge number of friends and family have died over the many years Ive lived. The landscape has narrowed hugely and its what my mom tried to warn me about when I was younger. Im fortunate my wife is still with me and some of her family is still alive but we've lost our parents, her brother and other relatives.
Her family is a lot older and there will be many more. You cherish the time you have with them and rejoice in the memories you have of them and try to live life in honor of them.
The unfortunate result of higher costs though ,is the fact that people cant afford services and burial. Cremation has become more common and I have to say I dont want my wife to have to deal with the cost of a funeral. Her sister paid for her burial but Im going to get cremated.
Its tough making new friends and I have a few but nothing like I had when I was younger. Your life path narrows and you make the best of it that you can.
On this Memorial Day, I honor those who served our country and cherish the many people Ive worked with, and have been friends with over the years.