Endless OS 5 released today.

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Re: Endless OS 5 released today.

Post by wove »

The problem with a prolonged black screen at startup and applications not showing up on the app grid are problems that are often noted in the forums. I do not think I have ever noted what is the cause or how to correct the matter. In many cases with Endless such problems seem to go away as mysteriously as they appear. I know that is a frustratingly stupid answer, but honestly it is all I have. When the application grid is on screen, you can do a search by simply start typing. I am not sure if that would locate a missing application or not.

The search that is started by just typing when the application grid is shown, is very similar in actions to krunner. It can do simple calculations, search the web and provide file search results and I believe it is an area that it can be enhanced via extensions. Search also has its own area in system settings where on can set the scope of searches.
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Re: Endless OS 5 released today.

Post by crosscourt »

Prolonged black screen is similar to what was seen with Ubuntu years back as the initial splash screen wouldnt appear(prolonged black screen) but the install or launch of the distro was fine. The Plymouth splash screen has been an issue over the years and EOS may have its own version of this.
The apps not showing might be a filesystem error as Ive seen mention of this in the EOS forum but there was one post that said using upper case letters in username caused the issue for him. He changed to all lowercase with username and problem solved.
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Re: Endless OS 5 released today.

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So far the general opinion for EOS is a great everyday OS for mainstream users. Ill be testing it today on a 1st gen Intel system to see how it does. The fact it uses Wayland may be an issue for some older hardware.
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Re: Endless OS 5 released today.

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Just tested it on a 1st gen Intel i5 cpu laptop and no issues at all. Performs very well on the system and it appears EOS can run very well on older hardware.
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Re: Endless OS 5 released today.

Post by crosscourt »

It appears both a Gnome 42 and 43 update came through the app center today. Because of the use of Flatpak you definitely have to run the app center to see if any updates are available. The OS info still shows 41.3 in use.
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Re: Endless OS 5 released today.

Post by wove »

The OS info is the Gnome version used by the DE and is part of OSTree. It will not update until Endless does a system update. The Gnome info on the applications refers to the Gnome/flatpak runtime environment the application is using. My main Endless install started with Endless 3 and has been updated over time. Info shows 43.1, while I have flatpak apps that are still using the Gnome 38 runtime. Some applications get abandoned overtime and do not update, but with the runtimes, they can continue to work and be useful for a long time after development stops.

A nice feature of the flatpaks is that they run sandboxed and so do not represent a big threat to the OS even though they are not updated. I have auto updates enabled, which updates the apps. Endless system updates do not occur unless you specifically tell it to update. Unless I am specifically looking for some application I rarely use the App Center. Overtime, I seem to just have all the applications I need installed.

I noticed that Endless 5 has installed most of their included applications flatpaks so they can be removed. That is nice to dump things you have no interest in. It annoys me to have stuff installed that I do not use and it is nice to be able to delete it. It does seem however that most people are not really bothered by having things they do no use installed. (Remember 90s computers that came with lots and lots of cruft ware installed.)
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Re: Endless OS 5 released today.

Post by crosscourt »

EOS 5 is my first time using it. All apps that Ive installed so far can be removed. This particular app center doesnt have the same amount of apps that Zorin has but its still a good number. EOS I think will be my fallback for the older hardware when Win10 bites the dust. Ill recheck the OS info but yesterday it was showing 41.3.
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Re: Endless OS 5 released today.

Post by crosscourt »

Endless OS 5 release just came up on Distrowatch, https://distrowatch.com/11754.

I read some of the reviews and as usual advanced users come on a blast EOS given it wasnt really targeted to that demographic at all. Do your reading before you post negative reviews. It shows that EOS has to do a lot more PR and make people understand what they are all about. They also seem to miss the fact that you dont have to use the 16-17gb iso as there is a basic 3.3gb iso.
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Re: Endless OS 5 released today.

Post by crosscourt »

Heres another news release and review, https://news.itsfoss.com/endless-os-5-release/
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Re: Endless OS 5 released today.

Post by crosscourt »

EOS is finally getting some PR and is doing very well in the Distrowatch ratings, despite the stupid reviews of people judging EOS for something it was never created to be. We may have our first contender for a mass user Linux OS thats easy, secure and fun to use.
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