Big jump in generation performance

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Big jump in generation performance

Post by wove »

Yesterday I moved my wife from her X220 over to the T580. She has been using the X220 for about a decade and it is only in the last few months that she has complained about the speed of the X220 not keeping up with her workflow.The move from Intel's gen 2 to gen 8 is a huge and noticeable performance improvement. I have had newer spec machines over time, but my wife has loved her X220 and resisted any suggestion to update/upgrade.

So anyway after a decade of the X220 being a main stay of household computing, the last X220 has been retired. It is very impressive all that can be done on old hardware, yet it is astonishing at the advances you notice when you jump over several generations to pretty new hardware. The USB C dock I picked up for the Pinebook Pro just works. When placed on the desk a plugged into the dock, the big monitor pops to life, the batteries charge via the dock and the keyboard and mouse jump to life. It is all very seamless and I find that rather impressive.
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Re: Big jump in generation performance

Post by crosscourt »

Even jumping to a 6th gen Intel is a huge difference in performance from 1st/2nd gen Intel. I use a Dell Edock and pop my laptops into it so I can utilize my large desktop monitor. Its nice having more ports and more flexibility overall. The oldest I would go with Intel would be 4th gen for most users if they are buying cheap older systems for use. 6th gen and newer is a better sweetspot for most but given that 8th gen used systems have dropped in price it may be the best starting point particularly if you want to use Win11.
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