Home Network

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Home Network

Post by CaptNoize »

Does anyone on here know how to set up a home network..? I'm using MX Linux on both my house and shop computers. I remember Windblows Xp had a home network setup that all you did was click on it, and accept a invite,from the other computer and it was all up and good. I assume synaptic has something, I just don't what to choose. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Re: Home Network

Post by CaptNoize »

I just looked it up... FYI. Go to synaptic and download SSH conduit antix. Install, open and use GUI, to set up remote assistance. I just want to share files on the two computers, I really don't have to go onto a different computer. There's also a tutorial video on YouTube. Go here https://youtu.be/Y0up7Cluf4s
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Re: Home Network

Post by CaptNoize »

Followed the tutorial like it said; however There was only SSH,,not SSH conduit antix. I figured that it had been updated, so I just clicked on it, and hit "apply". Started to download, then stopped, and gave an Error code. Tried to finish,but wouldn't. Clicked out, and then went to program menu, and it was no where to be found. Went back into synaptic,and removed SSH. I had other things to do,so I will try it some other time.
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Re: Home Network

Post by dai_trying »

What is it you want to do?

if you just want to transfer files between the different machines you could use filezilla which should work OOTB with MX (I think...) although if you want to have a shared resource (like a network shared folder) it would be a little more involved, but should be quite straight forward.

If you just want ssh access then you could install openssh-server on the machine you want to access and then (after reboot) you can just ssh into that machine. This is what I do and I also create a passwordless key so I can access it without entering passwords all the time. ssh-keygen first to create the key and then ssh-copy-id to transfer it to the server machine.
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Re: Home Network

Post by wove »

I setup NextCloud on a Raspberry Pi, which is probably more than you want to. In both Endless OS and Fedora SilverBlue you can turn on sharing in the setting application. You can enable file sharing, screen sharing and/or remote login. This is done by sliding the switch to on. You will be present with a box asking if you wish to require a password and thing picking a password. The need for a password is optional and again it is turned on with a sliding switch.

Both Endless and SilverBlue use the Gnome DE and I do not know what other distros might use. In honesty I thought that file sharing was so common that it was a default part of every OS now day. Ubuntu based distros have had file sharing built in since at least 13.04. Have you dug through the settings and documentation to see if it might be built in and just needs to be turned on.
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Re: Home Network

Post by CaptNoize »

I will try the password less file sharing you suggested. I have alot of time in my shop today, so I will give it a shot, and report back to you. Thanks for the suggestions. :D
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Re: Home Network

Post by wove »

I was just looking at what all MX Linux included and I came across this. It seems to indicate that MX Linux comes with all the stuff needed to have shared folder, and a nice tutorial on how to set it up.

<https://www.techrepublic.com/article/mx ... ers-samba/>
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Re: Home Network

Post by dai_trying »

Another good resource for simple file grabbing and sending is to use mc, it has an option to create an "SFTP link" so you have the other machine in one of the panels, I probably use this more often to transfer files although when transferring a lot of data I use filezilla as it seems to be faster.
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Re: Home Network

Post by CaptNoize »

Thanks guys... I appreciate it. I let you know which one I use.
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Re: Home Network

Post by CaptNoize »

Set up Samba on the shop computer with the Samba program. Dell Optiplex 7010. Went fine. Tried to set up home computer with Samba, Hp Pavilion, running MX Linux 2019 pateo, didn't go so well. On the older computer, Samba wasn't as detailed, once installed, the shop computer didn't show up on the network. I will try again today, I had to take a neighbor to the hospital for an emergency when doing this.
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