Band Nite

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Re: Band Nite

Post by tlmiller »

I can't even COUNT the amount of times I've turned down work. Since I hit about 30, it's been "does this require me being around humans?" If the answer is yes, then "no, I'm not intersted". And if the answer is no, then "I'll do it, but if even a SINGLE human other than whoever I'm directly working for speaks to me, I'm gone".
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Re: Band Nite

Post by crosscourt »

I started having issues around 67 as I couldnt do a lot of things I use to do and my body really screams when its unhappy. Been having some issues this week. Getting old sucks, and as much as I wanted to retire, Im not looking forward to getting older if this is going to continue. Trying to find some balance is the best we can do and understanding that we cant go back to our old ways.
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Re: Band Nite

Post by wove »

This past summer was the first time in a very long time, that I did not volunteer to help build houses for habitat. I enjoyed doing that but I am getting to point where I am more hinderance than helpful. The stuff we did when younger was always hard on our bodies. The difference being older is our body has really learned to just let us know how hard it is and lets us know, usually painfully. I helped a fellow install a new kitchen last week. It took me three days to recover. I figured I needed the exercise to prepare for a winter of snow shoveling and we are just a couple weeks away from an organ tuning road trip. I look forward to that, even though it will take until mid January to recover.
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Re: Band Nite

Post by CaptNoize »

Hey Wove,
I hope you pull out all the stops, to tune that organ..!! :lol: Guess where that phrase came from..?
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Re: Band Nite

Post by wove »

Yes the bitch of organ tuning is that every stop does get pulled. Good One :D
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