Ebay problems

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Ebay problems

Post by crosscourt »

Rarely have issues with them but right now theyve got problems. Tried to buy a sata ssd but they sent me an email that the payment didnt go thru and they wanted me to resend. So I did but after awhile it happened again so after multiple tries I gave up and removed it from my cart. The problem is, they charged my credit card 5 times but only refunded me three times. All were still pending but suddenly my credit card balance was over $500. Talked to them this morning and they found the issue that was in their system and resolved it. I have to wait for the pending authorizations for payment to work themselves out by next week. I had bought some other items from Newegg the seller with no issues so I assumed Ebay screwed up. Be aware if you buy anything from Ebay until they work the issues out. Ended up going over to Newegg and bought it direct and they gave me a free gift of a 64gb flash drive. Use to be a steady customer in the old days. I buy a lot of used parts so Ebay has been a godsend for my systems. Have to say this pissed me off a lot,particularly when they know theres an issue and dont pay attention.
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Re: Ebay problems

Post by tlmiller »

I ran into this last week actually. I was going to buy a XG7 SSD instead of the cheap Kingston (it's more expensive, and used, but WAY higher performance), and there was an issue with paying. It processed and showed that the drive was no longer available, but DID NOT charge me. So I just ended up purchasing the Kingston since that's what I was originally going to buy before I found the XG7.
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Re: Ebay problems

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Wish that had happened instead of scenario. Depending on the item, from now on Ill buy direct from the seller when I can to avoid issues if the price is the same.
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Re: Ebay problems

Post by crosscourt »

Everything seems fine with Newegg as payment went thru, they confirmed the order and and should be shipped tomorrow.
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Re: Ebay problems

Post by wove »

About a month ago I purchased a bluetooth tablet keyboard from the Habitat for Humanity Restore in Central Arizon for $1.49. They charged me $10 to ship it. It is made of aluminum and has fingers on a hinge to grab the tablet, and then can close up like a laptop. It was new in a sealed box and they mailed it priority mail, so I imagine the $10 shipping was close to what it cost. They went to a lot of effort to make a $1.49 (that was the buy it now price). And it is a pretty decent keyboard, not ThinkPad decent, but better than the MS Surface keyboard.

On eBay I buy from either charities or private sellers. I avoid buying from companies. I buy cheap bits I might need to fix something and about the half the time when it comes, it is broke, or not what I ordered and I just toss it and go try again. It has never done any good to contact eBay ar seller. The attitude is seems to be you gave us money we sent you a box so just shut up. Newegg has been my go to for years for hard drives and memory. they have been very reliable.
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Re: Ebay problems

Post by tlmiller »

I actually buy a LOT of my stuff from eBay. I've had QUITE a few issues over the years, but PayPal has always been really good in my dealings about making sure that you either get what you ordered, or you get a refund. Mind you, it takes a while ffor it to get straightened out, often being out of the money with no <whatever> for 2-3 weeks, possibly up to a month and a half, but in the end, they've always managed to get it straight. PayPal has been the only reason that I've continued to buy from eBay as much as I do. But I simply can't find most of the stuff I look for locally, so I don't have much choice, it's eBay or do without.
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Re: Ebay problems

Post by CaptNoize »

FWITW... I do use Ebay sometimes, but I use Amazon way more. I learned a hard lesson about 2 months ago. I ran a check on a used car I was considering. It wasn't Carfax. It was a company that advertised they would only charge a $1.00 for the report. However, they would only take my personal credit card. No PayPal, or any other mode. So, I reluctantly submitted my personal debit card number. They charged me $1.00. But then they charged me again $24.95, for a membership fee, which I did not agree to. My bank contacted me right away, and I denied the charge. THEN, a month later, they tried the same scam again. Bank contacted me again, and said they would keep this scam up, even tho I had contacted them and told them I didn't want a membership. I ended up having to get another card,since they had my Debit card number. My advise is Always use a buffer such as PayPal, and never give these crooks your credit card number.
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Re: Ebay problems

Post by wove »

My wife was caught up in a similar scam about a year ago, and the same as your experience the only solution was for the bank to issue her a new debit card. It started as good price on a one off service but there was a membership with an absurd charge hiding in the back ground. Unrelated I cancelled my PayPal account a couple months back. I used PayPal when I was selling stuff online and I can not say I ever had any problems with them. I was always leery as to why they needed access to my bank account. Then I got an email from them saying their terms of service had changed and if wanted to know what changed I could go read the new terms online. I realized I had not used it in years, so I just went and closed out the account. I do not think all financial services are crooks, but I am pretty sure that none of them really have your best interests at heart.
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Re: Ebay problems

Post by crosscourt »

Ive had way more issues with Amazon and no longer use their services. Ive had an 18 year relationship with Ebay and overall its been a great experience both as a Ebay business owner, seller and buyer. Thankfully you can pay in other ways now and Paypal is no longer the only option. Issues with Ebay have been rare and their customer service is way better than Amazon. I never use a debit card for anything as it leaves you too vulnerable.
I wouldnt say they have your best interests at heart entirely but particularly when I was doing a lot of selling the customer service really helped me out quite a few times nd and even with this recent issue are quick, prompt and courteous.
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Re: Ebay problems

Post by crosscourt »

It appears Ebay is back to normal as I was able to do a purchase there tonight. Pending charges still havent cleared my BOA account.
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