A New Job

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Re: A New Job

Post by crosscourt »

You should go on disability if the doctor feels your condition is bad and will only get worse. Doesnt mean you cant be active but you just cant torture yourself at work anymore. Youre going to be on SS soon so you might want to compare which one will net you more cash as SS generally gives you more.
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Re: A New Job

Post by CaptNoize »

I saw my Dr. yesterday. I got the appointment before my insurance ends. He told me he wants me to take a month off to decompress. He said it was the best thing I ever did. My previous appointment was concerning to him, he actually thought I was going to go "postal". My BP on that visit was thru the ceiling..! Yesterday,it was 117/74...!😁 He was impressed..! Since I have neuropathy in both my feet,and my knee is so bad, he said he would give me a medical excuse for long periods of standing. I can't stand on concrete for 6-8 hours anymore. I was doing that at my last job,since they wouldn't hire anyone,and it had to be done.( another way of pissing me off)
I checked on SS Disability, but it doesn't pay enough, for me to be on it. I might be able to get a lawyer and fight it,but I don't want to deal with that right now. I actually have alot of speaker repair work to do in my shop. I also had 2 applications that I sent last week,already want to interview me. These are jobs,at least one,paying way more money,than the last. I just got to relax for now. I'm enjoying this time off.
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Re: A New Job

Post by crosscourt »

Im impressed as BP slowly increases as you get older even if your healthy. You can get more from SSdis but yes, youll have to fight it and your doctor will be critical to the case.
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Re: A New Job

Post by CaptNoize »

Well, that proves how much nonsense I was dealing with. I should sue them for creating a hostile work environment. Still suffering from work schedule withdrawal. However,I am getting things done around my home. And,I keep getting more calls for shop repair. 'I'm not going to make what I was making working full-time,but I certainly don't have the stress either. I already have 2 job offers, but I'm going to do what my Dr. says. :)
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Re: A New Job

Post by crosscourt »

Work schedule withdrawl is a toughie as Im still having issues with it.
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Re: A New Job

Post by CaptNoize »

I was able to acquire healthcare insurance today, since I got the "Dear John" letter in the mail yesterday from my former employer. They wished me well, and said to contact them if I had any questions. Oh... I won't be contacting them... But OSHA will be calling..!😁 I went to the whistleblowers website yesterday, and filed complaints I seen. It's totally anonymous,as well as the labor relations website, here, in Pa. for Hostile Work Environments. Haven't done that yet... But maybe next week. Too Bad, So Sad. 😈😈😆😆
My favorite saying is, " You Piss me off, I'll rip out your Jugular"...😬😬
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Re: A New Job

Post by crosscourt »

Glad you got insurance but I wouldnt waste a lot of energy on those knuckleheads. Lets yourself relax and focus on other things. I should talk as I still stress a few things on the property even though I dont work here anymore.
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Re: A New Job

Post by CaptNoize »

You're absolutely right. It wasn't a whole lot to report them. I'm done with it. But like you said, it's hard sometimes to let things go. :roll:
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Re: A New Job

Post by tlmiller »

I don't know, for me revenge is cathartic, so I'd actually feel BETTER after turning them in and reporting them than if I didn't do it. Then again, I don't pretend to be a nice person. I'm fully cognizent of the fact that I'm spiteful, vindictful, and full of hate. I just don't operate with that attitude first because
1. That's just not how you do things if you want to act like civilized human beings.
2. I don't want anyone to mistake me for a member of the GOP.
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Re: A New Job

Post by crosscourt »

The problem with revenge is, it doesnt always work out and in the process you end up having to go to court and it interferes with your job and your health. Ive been down this road already and the reality is, very little changes but it stresses you out completely.
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