A New Job

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Re: A New Job

Post by wove »

I agree that most people are not trustworthy. I do not think trustworthy is seen as a positive attribute any more. I have generally found though that people are very consistent. Meaning if I meed someone who seems to be a jerk, I can safely assume they will always be a jerk. I always viewed a job much like I viewed a chore. Cooking is not my thing, but I cook so I can eat, which is something I do enjoy.

When the kids would ask me what I do for work, I would always respond with, "Ask me when I am working, I am home now and I do not give work a moment's thought." An employer once asked me why I never come to company parties and picnics. I said, "I spend 8 hours a day with you people, why would I want to spend anymore time with you."

Others can be jerks, I can be a jerk, but then the whistle blows and no one needs to deal with or think about until tomorrow. But like workflows on desktop environments sometimes the chore is just too much and you just have to move on to something else.
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Re: A New Job

Post by crosscourt »

Absolutely, as its difficult to find anyone to trust these days, everyone has an agenda. Im realizing how stupid I was and should have retired much sooner.
Glad you decided to make the change.
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Re: A New Job

Post by CaptNoize »

It's a good thing you didn't say that to these assclowns I was working for. They would have wrote you a written warning for insubordination. Like they tried to do on me, last Thursday, for doing what I was ordered to do. That's what put things into motion,for me quitting. They want you to march to their cadence,they want you to be a drone,dedicated to their cause. Unfortunately,for them, I didn't fit their mold. I won't miss those backstabbers, and that life sucking pit, for one moment. :twisted: :lol:
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Re: A New Job

Post by crosscourt »

I told my Regional he was clueless in regards to the property when I had my HR meeting last year and his reaction was priceless. People simply cant admit when an employee is right and when I left my job, who was calling me to get info, LOL!!!!
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Re: A New Job

Post by CaptNoize »

Oh.. I already BLOCKED their number,and if they do call me somehow, I 'll tell them that they are S.O.L. 💩💩👎👎 😆😆
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Re: A New Job

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My Regional has my number but hes mostly emailed me at times. That cooperation will end very soon but with a new manager coming in that I recommended Im sure there will be some questions.
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Re: A New Job

Post by CaptNoize »

I decided that I'm going to take a month off to get things done around my home,
(painting), and have my car worked on. Since I'm by myself,and live alone, everything falls to me to do. I'm sending out resumes,tho, in the meantime,to find something that works for me. I'm already having " withdrawal symptoms " from not going to work. It's all in the mind,I just have to train myself to get over it :roll: :|
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Re: A New Job

Post by wove »

Withdrawal symptoms are pretty common.I have been retired for well over a decade now, and I still find myself ready to go to work at 7am. With time however the ready for work at 7 has mostly morphed into a just ready for the day at 7. It is a very nice day out today, so my ready for the day today, just means I am going to just play around with this and that. :)
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Re: A New Job

Post by crosscourt »

Im slowly moving away from the getting up at 7am routine. Im sliding back to my night owl ways and going to bed at 1am or later and getting up between 10-11am if that. My wife is also a night owl so it works out pretty well. Last night though I had a case of the Sunday work stress as I would get when going back to work on Monday. I had to remind myself that I dont have to do that any more and can just relax. Just shows you how much stress plays a part in our daily lives.
Now Im gaming,exercising, playing with distros and doing some work for a couple of websites during the week.
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Re: A New Job

Post by CaptNoize »

I was having that Sunday thing last night. All stressed out,thinking I was going back to work. In a weird sense, I imagined the drive into work. I worked all day, around the house. I also was able to reschedule my Dr.s appointment for tomorrow,instead of next month. Hopefully, my insurance is active till the end of the month. My knees and legs are ache-ing tonight. The osteoarthritis is really killing me. Everyone I talk to,feels I should be on disability. Good Luck with that one... :roll: :x :x :o
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