Fired A Idiot

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Fired A Idiot

Post by CaptNoize »

I had hired a DJ for an MMA event I'm helping a very good friend of mine, do, in September. I had told him that we needed to get together, the day of the show, 2pm on that Saturday, so we could get the shows intro and exit music prepped,all the fighters intro music prepped the music for the commercials prepped, and any of the other announcing that will be going on for the show. This is being filmed for Tv broadcast, and content.
He contacted me on Monday,saying that he couldn't do the date we originally scheduled in June, ( that show got cancelled, due to the state of Pa. not having enough judges available) I told him no problem, we moved the date. He then started complaining he didn't want to be there at 2p.m., He wanted to show up at 4pm, but, the doors open at 5pm. That's cutting it too close for me. I insisted I wanted him there at 2p.m., Then he started telling me that this kinda nonsense won't happen when Trump gets in... :x :roll: :evil: Then he went on a rant, about how I must be a Democrat, for my insisting on him being there at a specific time. And how I'm " imposing my will" on him,( he's getting paid $1000, for 6 hours of work) and bringing just a laptop, with all his music on it. So,at that point, I used one of his "leader's" phrases .... You're Fired...! :evil: :evil: :twisted:
Last edited by CaptNoize on Fri May 24, 2024 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fired A Idiot

Post by crosscourt »

Id tell him you dont work 6 hours you dont get $1000 and half that if you show up at 4PM which obviously wasnt going to work. People today have no sense of ethics, business or otherwise. They are lazy, dont really understand what it takes to do things but still want to get paid really well. The political comments I have no clue why he did it. Hes employed by you and regardless of politics, you dont do your job, youre fired.
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Re: Fired A Idiot

Post by CaptNoize »

The thing the kills me, is , I 'm very easy to work with. I usually let the people I hire for shows, " Do their own Thing". As long as it goes with the flow of the show, you'll never hear from me. I'm usually too busy with the Tv end, or security, or getting fighters ready to go out to their marks, for the camera. I usually leave the Dj alone, once he knows what music goes where. This prick is used to making $2000-5000 for a wedding. I get it. But, I offered him work, because he hasn't been busy, doing weddings. I also get, if something comes along that pays more,I'm gracious enough to let them do the higher paying job. BUT... I don't have to..! A contract, is a contract..! Plus, my show is No where as labor intensive as a wedding. It's all good. There are a lot of people out there that will work for what we're paying. This is part of the reason why I quit doing shows... I was sick of being a baby sitter, to a bunch of Prima Donnas.
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Re: Fired A Idiot

Post by crosscourt »

I have this same issue where I live. Got into an argument with the manager and maintenance guy at my complex because they were doing things without any consideration. They think they can do whatever they want, yet they are clueless and disrespectful. It's like a disease and Trump has given people a carte blanche to do whatever they feel like, screw what might happen.
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Re: Fired A Idiot

Post by CaptNoize »

I totally agree..! And, it's getting worse. The disrespectful attitudes are growing day by day. I live in a rural area, not far from where the original " Night of the Living Dead " was filmed. It's not overun with zombies, it's overrun with Chump-ets. It's like I'm living in some backwater, beer swilling, redneck sh*thole. If my home wasn't paid for, I would have left long ago. I fit like a turd in a punchbowl here. These brain dead idiots here could all be extras in horror movie, without any training... :x :x :x :evil: :roll:
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Re: Fired A Idiot

Post by wove »

My Mother's family arrived in Pennsylvania in 1657 with William Penn. They were running aways from England, because at the time the English thought they were "proto-trumpers". Sounds like from what you are saying @Capt maybe the English were not wrong. :)
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Re: Fired A Idiot

Post by CaptNoize »

Absolutely. There's so many stupid, ignorant assclowns here, I would NEVER recommend Western Pa. as a point of interest, or visit. Like I said in a past post ( that you found amusing,) If the world needed an enema,this is where they would stick the tube. Sad but True. The only things these morons support around here is football, beer swilling, and lying traitorous politicians. :x :x :x :evil:
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Re: Fired A Idiot

Post by crosscourt »

Thankfully it isnt too bad here where I live, but the stupidity syndrome is still all too prevalent.
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Re: Fired A Idiot

Post by crosscourt »

Gees, the manager of my community sent me a violation for conduct, because I used one swear word and lost my temper with her sillyness. I had gone back and apologized but they can charge you $50 a pop for these violations. The Board on this community has really gone off the deep end. My last violation was for not breaking up a box before it went in the trash. Ive given this manager not only help when she was new but helped out because the last maintenance guy was a joke. This is a perfect example of the stupidity syndrome and how bad it can get when people have no common sense nor perspective.
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Re: Fired A Idiot

Post by crosscourt »

After the board meeting last night, its apparent the board is in full dictatorship mode along with the manager. They shut both my wife and I down and it appears its going to be a tense standoff for as long as I live here.
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