Site suggestion?

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Site suggestion?

Post by wove »

I am not very good at BB Code and I find it hard to get to the documentation for its usage. It might be useful to have BB Code usage info as either a pinned comment somewhere in the forum, or perhaps an an article on the main site page with the other documentation. And perhaps a link on the forum site linking to the documentation opening in a new tab/page.
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Re: Site suggestion?

Post by crosscourt »

Look here for a bbcode guide,

Just slide down the page for the full guide.

Theres also a faq link at the top of the page and at the bottom of the page, theres a link to the phpBB website, where youll find a lot of good info, news and guides.
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Re: Site suggestion?

Post by wove »

I do have a copy of the guide. It is however stored in the reference library section of the NextCloud. It just seems it would be BBCode would more accessible and perhaps more often used if a reference to it was part of the site. The reply window mentions that facets of the BBCode are on and options to turn facets of the code off and on, but there is no reference as to leading to the syntax and usage of BBCode on the site.

By default I am plain text oriented. It does not matter much, however features tend to get used more the easier they are to access.
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Re: Site suggestion?

Post by crosscourt »

Ill have to leave that to Dai to decide but the phpBB guide is easy to access here onsite and he could create a link to it. We could also post a a sticky thread in the site forum with the link to the bbcode guide.
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Re: Site suggestion?

Post by dai_trying »

I will look into the BB code and see if there is something I can put together, I only really use it to add smileys to posts myself but I'm sure there is much more that can be done :D
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Re: Site suggestion?

Post by crosscourt »

I only use it for smileys as well, ;)
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