Interesting year with many multi-OS users

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Interesting year with many multi-OS users

Post by crosscourt »

Most of my friends, and quite a few family and clientelle are using multiple OS. The most common I see is Windows/Linux with Windows Chrome OS a close second. Ive got a decent number of Windows/MacOS users and a few that use 3 or more OS. A few years back this wasnt the case but now with different requirements for Win11 and a growing distaste for planned obsolescence, users are widening their OS choices trying to keep their hardware in use and avoiding additional software costs when possible. Im currently using Linux, Windows and Chrome OS.
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Re: Interesting year with many multi-OS users

Post by CaptNoize »

I'm using three... Linux Mx 21, Linux Av, and Android, which is Silk browser, on this Amazon Fire tablet. I had planned to use Linux Av, with a home studio I was going to set up here. I have all my guitar gear, a digital drum set, mics, and a Midas mixing console,ready to go. I had planned to have my friend, a schooled musician and drummer, start recording with me back in September, or October. Unfortunately, he died July 26th...unexpectedly. So, this gear, and computer with Linux Av, is just sitting here. I don't have the ambition or desire, to do anything musical. I'll probably just sell everything next year😒😕
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Re: Interesting year with many multi-OS users

Post by wove »

Sorry to hear about your friend. It has always seemed to me that musicians that do not pass from partying or drugs when they are young tend to go on and live forever. I went to an impromptu concert of the old musicians in town this summer. It was great to hear folks my age (old as dirt) sounding so good and so confident in their music. I went organ tuning a few weeks ago. In Huron SD the organist who is old even by my standards, showed up to "supervise" the maintenance work. After we finished he sat down and provided us with a delightful serenade to send us off.

I too am loosing enthusiasm for my toys. Trying to figure out what I want to accomplish with them is getting more boring and less interesting. I think this upcoming year will see me getting rid of lots of my toys as well. Just as an aside here, how do you like your Fire Tablet? I picked one up for my wife, and although she tells me it is wonderful, I cannot help but notice that she never uses it.
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Re: Interesting year with many multi-OS users

Post by CaptNoize »

I use it way more than either of my 3 computers. It has it's drawbacks, but, it's super convenient, and powers up in seconds, not minutes. And with WiFi, it can go anywhere, or be anywhere, in your home. I literally, couldn't do without it.
As far as all these musical " toys" here, I really need to make a decision next year about this issue. The longer you keep this stuff, the less money you're going to get out of them, and the harder it is to sell....especially esoteric gear like I have.
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Re: Interesting year with many multi-OS users

Post by wove »

Over the last year I have also been using my tablet more than other machines. There are drawbacks, but the convenience and versatility of the tablet is hard to beat. I have also been looking and divesting myself of some or many of my toys. I have reached that point where it seems like maintaining them all exceeds the use and enjoyment I get out of them.
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