RedHat going closed source?

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RedHat going closed source?

Post by crosscourt »

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Re: RedHat going closed source?

Post by wove »

I do not think RHEL is going closed source, what they are doing is restricting access to the source code to people/groups who are paying for their service.

When I first got interested in Linux, it was available as a product that you had pay for. The "free" was seen in terms of freedom, but overtime the "free as in beer" pushed the "free as in freedom" into the backseat. I always thought it nice if you could give something a try before you had to put down your money, but it also seemed like if you wanted to use something you should pay for it.

RHEL is expensive, but I am also sure I have no use case for it. I think it is really nice that RedHat fully funds Fedora and do not even ask for a donation use Fedora. I can use Fedora guilt free. Endless is guilt free as well for they do not sell it or ask for donations. The things that really interest me I do pay what they ask even if it is just asking for a donation. Most Linux distros are cheap; Ubuntu asks for 10; Pop wants 12; Q4OS asks for 14; so even though most distros I try as just to sate my curiosity as long as they cost about the price of a movie ticket I see them as a good value.

Considering RHEL are the big supporters of Gnome, host flathub and offer Fedora at zero cost, I just have trouble seeing their move restricting access to their source code as an evil plot.
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Re: RedHat going closed source?

Post by crosscourt »

Sorry I forgot to put the ? at the end of the topic title. Indeed its not technically closed source but it certainly garnered that reaction from many wondering what RHEL had in mind and whether subsciptions would remain free.
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