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Post by CaptNoize »

I had a Facebook account back before all the Trump nonsense. My site was linked to my business account that I had on there, which stated I had created my account to talk about the music industry, bands, sound engineering, and stage gear. Nothing political. I feel that everyone in this great nation of ours, has the right to their own opinion. That's why my family members served in the Armed forces. However, I have the right to my own opinion,also. I avoided political conversations on my account,and was ambiguous about my political affiliation. Let's me be clear, I'm a independent, I vote for whoever is going to serve my needs and the country the best. Unfortunately, alot of idiots turned my music forum into a name calling, threat gallery, and I just closed the account(s).
I joined a local website for neighbors and my neighborhood. Some of the same nonsense is starting on there. Some idiot called me an Republican a**hole (far from it) because I was complaining about property taxes. I pay $3k in school property taxes here, on an 80 year old home, on 1/2 acre of land...! And I don't have kids..!😠 I will probably leave that site also,since there's tons of ignorant people,there, also. This is "why" I don't go to bars anymore. At this point in my life life, I have zero tolerance for stupidity. :roll:
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Post by crosscourt »

Facebook is a no go for me. Im not involved with any social medium platforms. The issues with social media are everywhere now and hard to escape.
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Post by CaptNoize »

I can assure you of one thing. Making threats to me by these assclowns over the internet,will NOT end well,if I'm confronted on my property. I'm heavily armed, an expert marksman, and have a low tolerance for B.S. Like my sign says on my porch, " To Hell with the Dog, Beware of the Owner" :twisted:
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Post by CaptNoize »

A friend of mine suggested I list my audio gear on Facebook Marketplace,however, with the bad experience I had before on that site, I won't even consider it. 😠😠
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Post by crosscourt »

Have you posted it on Ebay? I think you said you didnt want to deal with Craiglist but it might still be a decent option.
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Post by CaptNoize »

Yes...it's on Ebay. I've been considering putting it on Craigslist, but talk about cheap asses, that's the place you find them. Never had much luck on Craigslist, but I think I might put it on there,too.
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Post by wove »

Around here Craigslist is the place for cheapskates. It is the place to go when you just want to get rid of something (maybe). I once parted with and old but sturdy chair, and then a week later the fellow dumped it back in my front yard. :) I posted my ancient old Honda Dream motorcycle. A pristine example of a mid 60s early import. For a couple weeks all I got was people wanting me to just give it away. Finally however a fellow from a hundred plus miles away and bought it for what I asked, and thought he got a deal.

I sold a fair amount of stuff on eBay. Most was pretty straight forward and went well. However there are certainly a lot of chiselers there. "I think I paid too much, unless you refund me $XXX, I am going to leave you horrible feed back." But I did end up getting rid of all the stuff I wanted to get rid of and I was very glad it was all over.

My best selling experience was selling old books on Amazon. For whatever reason, that was as easy of an experience I have ever had selling stuff.
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Post by crosscourt »

Ive done over $25000 in sales on Ebay and its been a good experience. Chiselers dont have a leg to stand on anymore as things have changed on Ebay.
The amount of proof and evidence thats required avoids the threats of bad feedback. Craigslist has been a crap shoot so I avoid it and dont do business with Amazon at all. Ive sold many things locally thru a variety of sources. Overall Ebay has been my best experience and thats both as a buyer and seller.
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Post by wove »

How is the sale of the audio gear going? I have out and about tuning organs, and today we worked on a pretty complex instrument. The church broadcasts its services and I wandered through the booth, which got me thinking about your gear. Lots of very sophisticated gear. There was a big mixing board setup near the organ and piano and choir, but there were also mixing boards in the booth. Do you use one board to feed another or do the boards serve different purposes? One for mixing the sound for the building, while the other for mixing the sound for broadcast, maybe?

I know from getting equipment for the kids to setup their play around home studio, that even bottom of the barrel stuff is quite expensive. I imagine the gear I was looking at today is worth much more than nice car. The organ itself had one of the nicest midi interfaces I have ever seen on an organ, and having installed midi interfaces on pipe organs, I can say that is an extremely expensive option.
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Post by CaptNoize »

It depends on what make and model the console is. If it's a Midas, Digico,Avid or Yamaha, it could be six figures. As far as mixing capabilities, the digital consoles can handle both live and recording live, as well as broadcast media. It also depends on whether these consoles are analog, or digital. Some churches have large budgets, so , it all depends on what they want to promote,and how large of an audience they want to reach.
As far as equipment sales are going, I haven't had any,but one, thks week, and we were $30 apart. This item is only listed on Ebay. I will probably list it on Reverb, soon,even tho I have to pay Reverb a commission. Ebay allows this ad for free,if sold.
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