The weather has been crazy

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Re: The weather has been crazy

Post by crosscourt »

Really going to be cold tonight, tomorrow and over the weekend. Whats really weird though is once the cold wave leaves, temps will be 55-60F next week.
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Re: The weather has been crazy

Post by wove »

The arctic blast arrived this morning, where it started out in the low teens and has been dropping all day. It is current -10 and is suppose to his -20 by morning. It is not helping that the wind is blowing at ~30mph. But it is just something speeding through, by tomorrow afternoon, it is to back in the teens, and the weekend is rumored to hit 30. Up here we refer to these as Arctic Clippers and generally there are a few roar through every winter.

I saw in the news they were talking about measures being taken for the cold blast in the New England states. For the upper midwest it is just a part of winter, without much notice taken. Of course the usual precautions are taken; Do not lick light poles. Do not go outside naked or wet, especially not naked and wet. Although you can tell it is a bit more serious because they are delaying the start of schools by one hour tomorrow.

I will open the doors on the kitchen sink and bath vanity in hopes the pipes do not freeze. At -20 with the wind there is about a 50-50 chance of them freezing anyway. With the wind and temperature out old furnace can do maybe 70 over ambient, so it will be around 50 in the house in the morning. Well will probably bake a coffee cake for breakfast just to use the oven to help warm the house and maybe thaw the pipes. I am sure there is no chance at all that our old car would start in the morning, making me glad I have no where to go. But the morning will no doubt be spent in heavy wool slippers and sweater and flannel lined pants all the while cursing this god forsaken state.
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Re: The weather has been crazy

Post by CaptNoize »

Not as brutal here. High here today will be 16 degrees, with winds at 20-30 mph. High tomorrow in the 30's. Then 40's,and 50's, next week. Perhaps, next year, I'll go south, if,
I'm still alive. The way I feel, that's debatable. I know this climate isn't conducive to my health. All my friends have either left this area, or, are deceased. :roll:
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Re: The weather has been crazy

Post by wove »

So the weatherman as is pretty common got it wrong. It only got to a -10 last night and wind died down, so it is not too bad out. The sun is shining brightly, it is dead calm. No pipes froze, the house is 60 and all is well in the world. I went out for a walk last night before bed. It was a drop dead beautiful night. The sky was so clear. The moon was bright, blanking out lots of the stars, but I did manage to find several constellations. The frozen snow cracks, crunches and squeaks as you walk. The world always smells so fresh and clean on a cold crisp winter night. I am no glutton for punishment though. It was very cold and I only walked a few blocks and was back in a half hour.
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Re: The weather has been crazy

Post by crosscourt »

30F here with 30mph winds, going down to the teens tonite. We dont go below zero very often in my area bit Saturday will be in the low 20s with wind, so the feels like temp will be around 0F.
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Re: The weather has been crazy

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55F today, 58F tomorrow and Thursday 62F, really weird.
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Re: The weather has been crazy

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60F today, then 45-50F over the weekend, then 60s next week.
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Re: The weather has been crazy

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60F today and it feels balmy. Plants are blooming and leaves on trees are coming out.
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Re: The weather has been crazy

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Almost 70f today.
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Re: The weather has been crazy

Post by crosscourt »

Its heading towards 80F today all the while a friend of mine is getting snow north of Los Angeles.
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