Home Network

Discussion of hardware related issues
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Re: Home Network

Post by wove »

Good to hear you are making progress on the network setup. Going to the hospital for any reason has a way of putting a cloud over the day. Hope things worked out well for your friend.

Networking confuses me to no end. Documentation can be good, but the nomenclature is confusing, and the setup can be exasperating. I guess that is why there are so many professionals making a living at it. In my experience a nice feature about networking is that once you get the myriad of details all sorted out, the whole setup is typically quite robust. My home setup has been up for a year now without need for intervention. Of course I have forgot what it is that I did to make it work, so if it does need tweaking I will be at the point of just starting all over again. :)
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Re: Home Network

Post by crosscourt »

Agree with Capt as it is really easy to share files over network in Windows. Linux makes it a bit tougher and more confusing for those who arent use to going to such lengths.
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