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Re: The Peripheral

Post by crosscourt »

Sitting in front og a 40inch or larger flat screen is very satisfying without all the idiots you run into in theaters. You can watch what you want when you want. I dont subscribe to steaming services as I wont pay for additional content. I can also go online and find tons of content to watch without those services. TV is a nice thing to have and my wife and I enjoy a wide variety of shows, sport events and movies.
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Re: The Peripheral

Post by wove »

Reactions to new technologies are very much related to life's experiences. Most new technologies hope to strike a cord with younger audiences and are hit or miss with others. I have never had interest in FaceBook or Twitter and now tick-tock. I was a teenager when the family first got a TV and my ideas of entertainment were already pretty well set and TV had no real appeal for me. I suppose it really dates me to talk about TV as a new technology. I wonder if it first came on bit bigger screens in color, if it would have drawn me in more.
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Re: The Peripheral

Post by crosscourt »

Im 69 so my experience isnt hugely different from yours. We got our first tv when I was about 5 years old and we watched it quite a bit but no it didnt dominate our lives and still doesnt. TV has been around since 1947 so its definitely not a new technology. I initially only had black and white tvs but the advent of color really was amazing. Today you can have a theater experience at home and really dont need to go to theaters. I loved the really huge movie screens when I was younger but theaters went down to much smaller screens and the experience just wasnt the same. I like tv and also the ability to play movies and pick up content from online for free. Given my sports background I love watching live events. Watching events on tv like Neil Armstrong on the moon surface are moments Ill never forget.
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Re: The Peripheral

Post by CaptNoize »

I grew up watching analog TV. My father and mother,swore they would Never get cable,but since they liked country and western music so much, they ended up getting it because of the Nashville Network :roll: :shock: :evil:
After I got divorced,and moved back home to take care of my sick parents(I was an only child) I ended up staying here in the home I grew up in. I cut the cable here in 2015,when the cost got ridiculous for cable,internet and phone. I put up a digital antenna,dropped my cable and phone landline,and my internet went down to $30 a month..! Since I have Amazon Prime, I got the Fire Tv, and never looked back..! I get 65 local HD channels for free...! And I watch alot of YouTube, and Amazon Prime channel. I do pay for AMC+, but it's only $10 a month. I'm saving over $1400.00 a year..!
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Re: The Peripheral

Post by crosscourt »

Cable is only $28 here in my complex as we have a bulk rate from Comcast. Internet is $69 but that includes my tv boxes,taxes and modem for a 240mbps connection. I dont bother with streaming services as I can usually find much of what I want for free.
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Re: The Peripheral

Post by wove »

I did watch Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. I was working as a surveyor at the time. The company was under contract to the Army Corp of Engineers to update the surveys of the upper Mississippi. We were out on some mosquito ridden lake up north, staying in a rented cabin. The cabin next to ours was occupied by a nurse, who had electricity and a 12" B/W TV. She kindly invited us to watch. She really did not want us in her cabin, so she set the TV up in the window. So 10 guys and a nurse crammed together on the porch and watched the moon landing on a tiny grainy black and white TV. But we all knew we were watching history being made.

And as far as sports goes I watched Billie Jean King beat Bobby Riggs in tennis, but that was more about watching a blowhard get his comeuppance than watching tennis and that was done at some sports bar I am sure.
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