Winds of Change..The Tides Are Turning

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Winds of Change..The Tides Are Turning

Post by CaptNoize »

This past week,we had another person quit,a mechanic,and go to a better paying job. The week prior, the convicted felon left ( the guy I wanted to choke out) left for a " better " job. Then Friday,another person quit,due to health reasons. The point here is employers better WAKE UP..! There's tons of jobs out there, and now,employees ( who REALLY want to work) have choices now. My boss, and the owners of my work place are BEGGING me to find workers..! I told them i can get anyone qualified,but you'll have to pay a decent - COMPETITIVE wage..! Unfortunately,the old style thinking there is ,no way, we'll just be cheap asses and have our pick,BUT...that's NOT happening. The owner was so disgusted,on Friday,that he wanted to just shut it down,and call it a "wrap". He can,he's a multi millionaire, and 75. His kids got it made too. I've tried to talk sense to these people,but they don't want to hear it. So,guess what..? I'm going to be 61 next week. I'll find something else till I'm 62.(if I live that long) then call it a career.I'm sick of all the bull💩. It's amazing how much of a struggle it is,just to go to work everyday.
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Re: Winds of Change..The Tides Are Turning

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My manager of 13 years was run out of her job on a rail by a Board President who has now moved away and sold her condo. Now I have to go thru a transition with a new manager whos clueless about the property. My Regional is also clueless and really doesnt care what happens to employees. My Board says Im overpaid yet they want to suck the life out of me to cover all the problems now that there is a new manager. They said they might cut back my hours which of course wont happen now that they have a new manager.
Its really tough to talk some sense into people and make them realize how they view things is really wrong. They need to value employees and pay them well but once budget season comes around its where can we save and they dont really care.
Understand where youre coming from Capt and Im hoping down the road to retire or cut back hours when I choose to and see what happens.
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Re: Winds of Change..The Tides Are Turning

Post by CaptNoize »

I don't know if it is the heat and humidity,or just the work climate(no pun intended)but tensions are extremely high at work. I had a mechanic walk out today cause he was pissed about what a customer said, and the owner was furious when a customer was questioning the price of a new vehicle we were selling way below the national average. My reply... "Welcome to my World" .. I've been putting up with this TOTAL nonsense since before the pandemic started. And it's just getting worse. I love to see others who said of me in the past, that " I have a bad attitude ",now,having the same bad attitudes. Oh... How the Mighty are Falling.... 😆😆😆
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Re: Winds of Change..The Tides Are Turning

Post by CaptNoize »

Another millennial quit yesterday,leaving the body shop repair department. The little weasel wanted a raise,but he never did anything,but sit on his lazy ass and play on his phone. He had quit before,but the owner was good enough to give him a second chance. And this turd,had the gall to take the last two days of his work off, and wanted us to inspect his car (Pa. requires yearly car inspections)since he had let his run out. I told him, " Get your next employer to inspect it". Altho, I'm not the boss, my boss agreed. If I get an offer,... I might leave. I'm reaching my BS limit. One thing predictable about me,is,.... I'm unpredictable.
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Re: Winds of Change..The Tides Are Turning

Post by crosscourt »

Just had the worst transition week to the new manager, but luckily my new manager seems to be ok. My regional is now making a pain in the ass of himself and of course they want me to do more with possibility of getting a raise in the future. Not sure how long Im going to stay and Im just as stressed out as you are Capt. Somethings got to break.
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Re: Winds of Change..The Tides Are Turning

Post by CaptNoize »

Wait till we're gone,CC, these places will really go "belly up"..!
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Re: Winds of Change..The Tides Are Turning

Post by crosscourt »

No doubt considering Im the only one thats familiar with the infrastructure. They can use vendors but thats going to cost them 10 times what it costs for me to handle it. My goal is to retire but right now its a bit iffy but hoping to do it by the time Im 70 or 2 years.
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Re: Winds of Change..The Tides Are Turning

Post by CaptNoize »

As of yesterday,I've just about had enough..!💀 Isn't it funny that when things aren't going management's way, they start bitching about workers that ARE doing their jobs. Needless to say from my previous posts, I'm not a person that's going to take alot of shit. The owner,and his son were complaining to me today,and blaming me for things i have no control of...hell, it doesn't EVEN concern my job...! I understand that people need to blow off steam, but,(since I haven't got a raise in 2 years) I'm not going to be somebody's emotional "tampon". That's "why" psychiatrists get paid $150 an hour...! I said,If you're not happy with my job performance, Say So,....I'LL BE HAPPY TO LEAVE...!!!! They were shocked I said that. I'll be re-listing my Indeed profile/application tomorrow. Maybe i can do something really stupid,and get fired,..then i can sit on my ass, like the rest of the losers around here, and get money for nothing. They have housing contractors on TV,here,complaining they can't get anyone to work. PAY A LIVABLE WAGE...!!!!😠😠😠😤😤😤 No one is going to " guilt trip" me...Like Stone Cold Steve Austin says " I really don't give a Damn,and that's the Bottom Line...!!!
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Re: Winds of Change..The Tides Are Turning

Post by crosscourt »

Youll probably be happier elsewhere and there are a lot of jobs out there right now. My situation has settled down and Im getting along great with my new manager, whos letting me do my job and use my experience.
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Re: Winds of Change..The Tides Are Turning

Post by CaptNoize »

Rest assured,CC... I'm looking for something else.
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